I recently had the chance to try out the Grill Daddy. I wasn't familiar with the product, so I checked out the website and was intrigued by what I read.
from Grill Daddy:
- "The Grill Daddy (www.grilldaddy.net) is a steam powered grill-cleaning tool that sanitizes grills and eliminates the burnt on food, grease and dirt. Cleaning grills can be a difficult and time-consuming task but the alternative is far worse. Unwashed racks can house bacteria that could contaminate food and leave an unsanitary and bad taste.
Utilizing specially designed stainless-steel brushes, the Grill Daddy releases water as users brush, hitting the grill and turning to steam while rinsing away unsanitary debris.
Other features:
· Steam-powered
· No rancid greasy residue builds up on the brush (liquefies and melts it away)
· Safe for porcelain, steel and iron grills (hot or cold)
· Ergonomic handle keeps hands away from heat and provides maximum leverage"
When it arrived, I was surprised by the size of the Grill Daddy.

We had a span of some not so warm, not so dry days, so it sat on my counter for a while after I received it, just waiting to be used. This weekend, it warmed up and I decided to try grilling the turkey tenderloin we had for dinner, instead of baking it. I always clean my grill at the end of usage, but I figured I would try the Grill Daddy both before and after. I turned on my grill and allowed it to preheat, as is recommended in the directions. I then filled the handle with water. I started by using the one set of bristles on the end to loosen anything that was still on the grates. Then, I turned the brush to use the big brush side and turned on the water valve. When I wanted to get water, I simply tilted the back end up and some would spray out through the openings in the brush area. The water, when hitting the hot grates turned to steam. As it did, I continued to scrub the grates with the brush. It seemed to do a pretty good job removing any remaining food residue from the grates. After I grilled, I removed the meat and brought it in to the house to rest before cutting. While I brought it in, I left the grill on and then returned outside to once again use the Grill Daddy. All in all, I was pleased with the cleaning that I got. It seemed to do a better job of removing the food and greasy residue than a standard grill brush does. When too much water released, it would sometimes cause a brief flare, but for the most part the water was a small enough flow that it vaporized upon hitting the grates.
The Grill Daddy is rather large though. There are handles which give a good leverage when cleaning, but because of the size, I found that sometimes I had to tilt it pretty far to get more water out of the handle. The length did allow me to not have my hands as close to the heat of the grill as my regular brush, but also made it a little awkward to use. I'm not sure where to store it either. I am a fan of hanging my grill brushes under my grill, where they are easily accessible for cleaning. This one has a hook for hanging, but it is much too large to fit in the area under my grill where the gas tank is unless I lay it down. I'm not sure how I feel about that, but don't see many options for storing it.
I like the idea of cleaning with steam to remove more build-up. I typically pull my grates in to clean in the sink every few months to get that inevitable build-up that the brush doesn't fully clean, off of the grates. I'm wondering if I use the Grill Daddy regularly after doing that, if I can keep the grates generally cleaner overall and reduce the frequency with which I feel the need to bring them in and wash them in the sink.
With Father's Day coming up, this could be a great option for the Dad(s) in your life that have it all. You can purchase the Grill Daddy for only $19.95 plus shipping and handling through GrillDaddy.net.
Courtesy of Grill Daddy and MamaBzz, I also have the opportunity to give away a Grill Daddy to one A Busy Mom of Two reader.
To enter: Leave a comment sharing your favorite meal to cook on the grill.
Bonus entries:
This giveaway will remain open until June 1st at 6 pm. Winner will be selected using random.org. The winner will be contacted by e-mail (be sure to leave one!) and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be selected.
No compensation was received for this post. I did receive a Grill Daddy courtesy of MamaBzz and Grill Daddy, so that I could use the Grill Daddy and share about my experience. In addition, they provided the opportunity for me to host a giveaway for one reader to win a Grill Daddy.
Favorite meal on the grill is definitely ribs
frugalsciencegal[at] gmail [dot] com
Grilled chicken is my favorite!
deborahcraft at yahoo dot com
Hamburgers, simple but good! :)
You're on my bloglines (does that count?).
We love to cook zucchini on the grill! We cut it up lengthwise and marinade it in a teriyaki sauce, and then cook it up on the grill. Delicious!
I'm a subscriber. smhparent [at] hotmail [dot] com
I follow on Twitter and tweeted this giveaway: http://twitter.com/ParentingAuthor/status/14383247232
I like grilled chicken breasts.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
Steak kabobs...yum!
Email subscriber
I love making steaks on the grill and bbq chicken.
We like to pile up the grill with burgers, hot dogs, pork steaks and chicken and have enough to eat for several days!
I also subscribe to your daily updates!
We love to grill steaks and potatoes in foil packets on the grill! Thanks for the giveaway!
E-mail subscriber
Anything that you can grill! I have a grill basket that I put shrimp and veggies in too!
e-mail subscriber - Staceysmail at wadsnet dot com
grilled asparagus or steak
I love cooking cheese burgers on the grill!!! My mouth in watering!
thekillerbeesx3 at yahoo dot com
I now subscribe via e-mail!!! Loving your blog!!!
thekillerbeesx3 at yahoo dot com
Our favorite food to cook on the grill is chicken. It always makes the chicken just perfect and moist.
alirobinsonaz(at) gmail(dot) com
Just did a tweet about this great giveaway!
alirobinsonaz(at) gmail(dot) com
My fave meal would be when my husband smokes pork tenderloin...so yummy!
We grill chicken on the grill to make chicken tacos!! That is definitely my favorite meal off the grill!! We seriously use our grill like every day this would be an amazing gift to give my husband!!!
We love grilling Kabobs! :)
I've subscribed to your updates. Thanks!
I'm now following you on Twitter. Thanks!
I like chicken on the grill
We love to do steak and potatoes with corn on the cob and grilled zucchini and garlic. Of course, my husband will grill anything! He loves his grill and I'd love to have some help keeping it clean.
gitrecca at gmail dot com
Grilled zucchini is the best!
myerscathy [at] hotmail [dot] com
email subscriber
myerscathy [at] hotmail [dot] com
I subscribe!
My dad does really great veggies on the grill!
Anything on the grill seems to taste better. We had ribs this weekend. Yummmm
Chicken, chicken, chicken! It is about the only thing we cook on the grill. leandrea246(at)hotmail.com
i like steak on the grill
We love to cook burgers on the grill most often, but my FAV thing to cook on the grill is shish-ka-bobs!
ctrinco2 at gmail dot com
Hamburgers are my favorite followed by grilled chicken.
jlanch (at) sbcglobal (dot) net
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