I headed out to CVS on Sunday evening to take advantage of the sales for this week. I did pretty good, I even improved my overall ECB position. I did fail to use my Summer quarter ECBs to save some out of pocket and I did fail to pick up the Vitamin Water, but I can always grab that later this week. Here is what I got:
Transaction #1
1 - Always Infinity 18 ct
1 - Colgate Max Fresh 6 oz
1 - Benefiber Chewable 36 ct
-$1 Colgate Max Fresh Mfg Coupon
-$1 Colgate coupon from CVS Beauty Handbook
-$2 Benefiber Chewable Mfg Coupon
-$3 $3/$15 CVS coupon
Paid with $5.79 and $2 ECB. Paid $0.45 OOP, earned $4.98 and $2 ECB.
Transaction #2
1 - Benefiber Powder, 90 svg
-$2 Benefiber Mfg Coupon
-$3 $3/$15 CVS coupon
Paid with $10 ECB. Paid $1.72 OOP, earned $10 ECB. This is where I could have used my $.50 ECB from summer, all my other ECBs were too big.
Transaction #3
1 - Arm & Hammer Essential
1 - Lady Speedstick
1 - Speedstick
1 - Always Infinity
1 - Colgate Max Fresh
1 - CVS Vitamin D, bonus pack
-$1 Arm & Hammer Mfg IP coupon
-$.75 Lady Speedstick Mfg coupon
-$.75 Speedstick Mfg coupon
-$1 Colgate Max Fresh Mfg coupon
-$1 Colgate coupon from CVS Beauty Handbook
Paid with $10 ECBs, adjusted down to $9.94. Paid $.30 OOP and earned $2, $4.98, $2 and $2.99 ECBs.
For the day, my OOP was $2.47 and I improved my ECB position from by $1.66 from $17.79 to $19.45. In addition, I will be sending in the rebate for the Arm & Hammer Essentials in the amount of $2.50. This makes the day even better, cancelling out the OOP.
Of course, I will have to head back to CVS to get the Vitamin Water that is free after ECBs this week. Maybe I will find another deal to take advantage of.
For more CVS deals check out CVS superstars at The "Cent"sible Sawyer. For more savings and deals, check out Super Saving Saturday at Money Saving Mom.
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