Scenario #1
Transaction #1:
1- Always Infinity
Pay $4.98 OOP, earn $4.98 ECBs.
Transaction #2:
1 - Colgate Max Fresh
1 - Bic Soleil
-$1 Colgate Max Fresh Mfg coupon
-$1 Colgate Max Fresh CVS Beauty catalog coupon
-$2 Bic Soleil Mfg IP coupon
$4.98 total. Pay with ECB from transaction #1, $0 OOP, earn $2 & $4 ECBs.
Transaction #3:
1 - Arm & Hammer Essentials
1 - Glaceau Vitamin Water
1 - Speedstick
1 - Lady Speedstick
-$1 Arm & Hammer Essentials Mfg IP coupon
-$.75 Speedstick Mfg coupon
-$.75 Lady Speedstick Mfg coupon
$6.27 total. Pay with $2 and $4 ECB from Transaction #2, $0.27 OOP, earn $2.29 & $2 ECBs. Also, mail in the Try Me Free rebate from today's insert for the Arm & Hammer Essentials to get back $2.50 by mail.
Transaction #4:
1 - Pantene Expressions Shampoo
1 - Twix Candy Bar (filler)
-$2 Pantene Expressions Mfg coupon
$4.49 total. Pay with $2 & $2.29 ECB from Transaction #3, $0.20 OOP, earn $1 ECB.
Total OOP for all 4 transactions is $5.45 and after you get back the $2.50 mail in rebate, you will have only spent $2.95 OOP. You have $1 ECB that you can spend on two candy bars (2/$1 this week) or hold it to start you off next week.
I will probably combine Transaction #1 & #2 to use my $10 ECB from two weeks ago and make my total OOP $0.47 and leaving me with $4.98 and $1 ECB to start me off next week.
Scenario #2 (The $5 CVS Challenge)
Transaction #1:
1- Always Infinity
Pay $4.98 OOP, earn $4.98 ECBs.
Transaction #2:
1 - Colgate Max Fresh
1 - Bic Soleil
-$1 Colgate Max Fresh Mfg coupon
-$1 Colgate Max Fresh CVS Beauty catalog coupon
-$2 Bic Soleil Mfg IP coupon
$4.98 total. Pay with ECB from transaction #1, $0 OOP, earn $2 & $4 ECBs.
Transaction #3:
1 - Arm & Hammer Essentials
1 - Speedstick
1 - Lady Speedstick
-$1 Arm & Hammer Essentials MfgIP coupon
-$.75 Speedstick Mfg coupon
-$.75 Lady Speedstick Mfg coupon
$3.98 total. Pay with $4 ECB from transaction #2 adjusted down to $3.98, earn $2 ECB. Also, mail in the Try Me Free rebate from today's insert for the Arm & Hammer Essentials to get back $2.50 by mail.
Transaction #4:
1 - Pantene Expressions Shampoo
1 - Twix Bar
-$2 Pantene Expressions Mfg coupon
$3.99 total. Pay with $2 ECB from Transaction #2 and $2 ECB from Transaction #3, adjusted down to $3.99, earn $1 ECB.
Total OOP: $4.98. Once you send in the Try Me Free Rebate, the net cost will be $2.48. You will have $1 ECB to use next week.
For other $5 scenarios, check out the $5 CVS Challenge at Keeping the Kingdom First. Check out other scenarios at Money Saving Mom.
Wasn't last week's ad in Ohio awful? I have kind of figured out over the past few months that there are really good weeks every 2 or 3 weeks. I just take the bad weeks off and it has been working great. I was very happy for a great week though!
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