- Enjoy an Asian escape with Wanchai Ferry restaurant-inspired dishes by simply adding your own protein to delicious entrees like Cashew Chicken, Spicy Garlic Chicken, Orange Chicken, and Kung Pao Chicken. Or bring the romance of Italian cuisine to your kitchen with Macaroni Grill favorites such as Chicken Piccata and Angel Hair Pasta, Creamy Basil Parmesan Chicken & Pasta, Chicken Alfredo with Linguine, Garlic & Herb Chicken Penne, and Chicken Marsala with Linguine.
So stay in and go all out!®

The Macaroni Grill meals, we have enjoyed the Creamy Basil and the Chicken Piccata meals before.
As a busy mom, I find that these dry meal kits offer me a meal that is quick and easy to prepare, that is full of flavor and that my family enjoys. It helps me on those busy weeknights when I need a meal that I can quickly prepare for my family.
For more information and dinner tips, visit WanchaiFerryAtHome.com and MacaroniGrillAtHome.com. And be sure to follow Macaroni Grill on Twitter and “Like” the Facebook page to keep up with all of the latest news on your Macaroni Grill favorites!
You can get a money saving coupon for $1.50 off two packages of Wanchai Ferry and/or Macaroni Grill Dinner Kits here.
Through MyBlogSpark, I have one Date Night prize pack that includes one Wanchai Ferry dry dinner kit, one Macaroni Grill dry dinner kit, and a $25 Visa gift card that you can use to create a magical date night at home to giveaway to one A Busy Mom of Two reader.
To enter: Leave a comment sharing tips for having a fun date night at home.
Additional Entries (leave a comment for each additional entry):
The giveaway will remain open until November 18th at 6 pm and is open to residents of US only. Winners will be selected using Random.org random number generator. The winners will be contacted by e-mail (Please make sure that your email address is either in your comment or clearly visible on your profile or blog) and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner may be selected.
No compensation was received for this post. I received one Date Night prize pack for my family and one to share, through MyBlogSpark, courtesy of Wanchai Ferry and Macaroni Grill. I also was provided with product information and a second prize pack to share with a reader.
I like making dinner together. We always have fun.
hewella1 at gmail dot com
We like to watch movies together after the kids have gone to bed.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
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mami2jcn at gmail dot com
Tips for having a fun date night at home- wine and candles plus desserts- these make great date night at home.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com
Follow A Busy Mom of Two on Twitter.@tcarolinep
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a fun date night at home- send the kids to grandma's house, cook dinner together, light the candles and stay up late and sleep in in the morning.
tcogbill at live dot com
i get your emails
tcogbill at live dot com
My husband and I used to specify a certain day for date night. On that night the kids went to bed early. If they behaved they got a treat later. We'd snuggle up and watch movies and eat $1 boxed candy and drink a 2 liter.
Cooking dinner together.
A fun date night at home usually involves cooking a fancy dinner together and watching a movie we can both agree on.
We usually get something from Redbox (preferably using a free code) or borrow from library or friend. Then hopefully send the kids to bed early so we can have some relaxed time together.
You're on my google reader.
I like to pick up a couple of movies to watch after dinner. Thanks for the review and giveaway!
jackievillano at gmail dot com
use candles, they make everything special!
myerscathy [at] hotmail [dot] com
follow on twitter @27cat
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myerscathy [at] hotmail [dot] com
Board games are always fun!
deborahcraft at yahoo cot com
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deborahcraft at yahoo dot com
I suggest turning off all electronic devices, leaving the kids at grandma's house for the evening, and spending some alone time without interruptions.
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
My best tip....take the kids to grandmas!
tweeted 11/4:
We help each other out in the kitchen...Sometimes we have *fun* with the food! (:
Add a RedBox and that's a great night in!
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I think putting the kids to bed early and staying up and having dinner followed by playing cards!!
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runningmatey at hotmail dot com
tweeted 11/5:
We rent a movie and make dinner.
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runningmatey at hotmail dot com
tweeted 11/6:
Something as simple as putting together a jigsaw puzzle or playing a board game can turn into a night of talking and laughing and make for a great date night.
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I receive the daily updates. Thanks!
Lookfortherainbow at yahoo dot com
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
tweeted 11/7:
My tip is not to expect too much. When it is relaxed it is more fun!
twitter follower
I blogged- http://flyingthroughlifewiththreepassengers.blogspot.com/2010/11/date-night-giveaway.html
Even though it is not at home; spending the night at our seasonal spot campground is our at home date night. Just us, and only what WE want to do!
I think it is fun when we serve food that we make and not like TV dinners or McDonalds. lol . eclairre(at)ymail(dot)com
We like to watch romantic comedy movies, go for a long drive down roads we've never tried before, and eat Italian foods, whether cooked at home or out!
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
tweeted 11/8:
A date night to me is not having to cook. Although, if it were easy to make, it might be worth staying home... especially in the cold weather.
I am a subscriber.
best date nights...talking!
Redbox or card games are our favorite.
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
use music to set the mood!
emmy1981 at aol dot com
A fun date nite is spent cuddling on the couch and forgetting for a short while that we have children.
tweeted 11/9:
We try to watch movies after the kids are in bed, but we usually fall asleep! Dinner works best. Erin
We follow you on email and LOVE the updates and information.
missysids (at) yahoo dot com
A fun date night tip is just go with the flow. Don't try to schedule the fun out of a date night. So many times I have set this for this time and rush here for this only to feel stressed out by the end.
missysids (at) yahoo dot com
I get your updates on my email every day.
Our best date nights include a fire outdoors in our fire pit. Sitting around talking and sipping hot coco for hours watching the stars and moon.
We love to make a special dessert!
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
After the kids go to bed we like to have a special dessert and watch movies together.
tweeted 11/10:
We love to get carryout from a favorite place, then have a picnic in the living room, watching TV and talking.
I'm pretty sure anything can be fun when you are in love. :)
Right now we can't afford anything "fancy" for date night, so I bake from scratch, and sometimes we share a take out (the chinese place here gives HUGE servings) come home and sit together and eat it with the fancy chop sticks we were given as a gift from japan.
alaskawildrose at gmail dot com
I say do something you haven't done before like a fondue night!
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
tweeted 11/11:
watching a movie and snuggling on the couch, alone!
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
tweeted 11/12:
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
A great date night at home is with a great meal, candles and a fun comedy on T.V. :)
tristatecruisers at yahoo dot com
tweeted 11/13:
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
tweeted 11/14:
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
tweeted 11/15:
We usually cook dinner together, share some wine, and then if it's nice out, take the dog for a long walk. Though last time we walked the dog together, he threw himself into the river by our house by accident and then freaked out.
wolverina401 at gmail dot com
We let all four kids spend the night at grandmas and enjoy the house to ourselves!
Occasionally my husband and I will wait to eat until after the kids are in bed. He'll run out and pick us up some Subway and then we'll watch a movie we've DVR'd or picked up from Redbox. Dinner and a movie.
For a great night, I like to put on soft music in the background.
When dd goes to bed, dh & i will sit up and order chinese - and watch a movie together... those are the best date nights
thanks for the chance
jpkittie315 at hotmail dot com
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
I like it when my husband and I cook together then snuggle on the couch and watch a movie.
I follow on twitter @Tcgirl11
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I tweeted:
tweeted 11/16:
For our date nights we like to watch a movie or show from Netflix, eat dessert and have some wine or something else to warm us up. If we feel silly, we will watch Mythbusters while we are enjoying our drinks, because that show gets so much funnier that way!
Wanchai Ferry and Macaroni Pasta are oh so good, I love both!
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
Borrow a movie from a neighbor, and make a dinner using food you bought with coupons :)
We are Twitter followers!
We subscribe by e-mail, too!
tweeted 11/17:
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
tweeted 11/18:
We like to play card games, or the Wii together!
rrgallowaym23 @ gmail.com
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rrgallowaym23 @ gmial.com
Send the kids to grandmas house!!!
Fun date night at home is having a picnic on the deck and watching the sunset.
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Some of our best date nights at home come when the grandparents take our son. I often will cook dinner and we'll watch a movie together!
mattschmunk at gmail dot com
Follow you on twitter. matt0701
mattschmunk at gmail dot com
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mattschmunk at gmail dot com
glass of wine watching a movie while the kids are sleeping.
follow on twitter guitargirlut
I think it is always fun to make dinner together. Of course with kids though that makes it hard. We usually put the kids to be early and snuggle while watching a movie.
joeysmama at gmail dot com
I am following you on twitter-my2greatkids
joeysmama at gmail dot com
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joeysmama at gmail dot com
I tweeted!
joeysmama at gmail dot com
I love creative date nights at home and have found the most amazing website with ideas. http://thedahlingdatingdivas.blogspot.com/
You'll love it too! They have new ideas daily. And all of the ideas are free!
angie.center at hotmail dot com
No kids at home,pizza and a movie-thanks for the giveaway
I am a email subscriber
turn off all devices and send kids to grandparents
make dinner together, find nice music to listen
date night at home = redbox movie and popcorn
I love it when we watch a funny movie together...laughing together is always so much fun. annejk112233(at)yahoo(dot)com
I follow you via Twitter (I'm wowtotweet) annejk112233(at)yahoo(dot)com
http://twitter.com/wowtotweet/status/5351724130762752 above is my tweet about your giveaway. annejk112233(at)yahoo(dot)com
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something as simple as just going for a walk in the evening is completely free, extremely enjoyable, and a great time to talk!
We like to play card games at home!
A fun date night for us includes not cooking, so we have food delivered, light candles and watch movies.
diacronan at hotmail dot com
I follow you on Twitter @ southtexasstyle
diacronan at hotmail dot com
I tweeted about the giveaway:
diacronan at hotmail dot cm
A great date night at home to me would consist of sending the kids to their aunties, making his favorite dinner (chinese) and staying up late watching scary movies.
lyndsey.rullman at hotmail dot com
Following you on Twitter as lyndsey1stunna.
lyndsey.rullman at hotmail dot com
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
I am a Twitter follower (LuckyDuckyToo).
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
Make sure to start it when the kids are in bed!
Netflix and pizza!
I follow you on Twitter!
We LOVE having dinner then watching a movie together for date nights in (after the children are asleep)!
beckeesdeals at gmail dot com
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beckeesdeals at gmail dot com
We put the kids to bed and get a Redbox movie. It's more comfortable at home anyways.
my tip for fun date night at home- my husband grabs mexican take out after kids have gone to bed early, and then we settle in to watch a "grown up" movie or just play cards. Nice to have uninterrupted & quiet dinner
onecrypticmama AT yahoo DOT com
already follow you on twitter (@crypticmama)
onecrypticmama AT yahoo DOT com
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onecrypticmama ATyahoo DOT com
We like to make dinner together and rent a movie and relax. It's even better than going out sometimes.
orangeaugust at yahoo dot com
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A good date night would include eating a tasty dinner(nothing too complicated), watching a funny movie and of course topping it all off with a yummy dessert!
We like to watch a movie and eat our fave dessert!
jswaks at gmail dot com
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jswaks at gmail dot com
A nice bottle of wine and a good movie is perfect for date night. Email: yona(at)pricelesswriters.com
Im a Twitter friend. Email: yona(at)pricelesswriters.com
Good food and no TV for me.
Follow you on twitter @countrynest
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redbox and ice cream!
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