The CVS in my hometown is relocating, in 10 days. Evidently, since they are stocking the new store from the old, that means that they will be removing product aisle by aisle. I had stopped in last night in hopes of picking up some of the Neutrogena Sun Screen that is on an ECB deal this week. The makeup aisle, where they keep the sunscreen, has already been completely emptied. I also tried to pick up the free Carefree, but their shelf prices is $1.57 and the coupon is only good up to $1, so I will either wait for a sale or head to Walmart sometime to pick those up. I did get some stuff from the clearance row though.

2 - 3pk Heavy Duty Hangars
1 - Carefree Sample
Total $1.75 plus $.12 tax OOP.
I guess I will try to get to another CVS today to see if they have the Neutrogena in stock. Also, everyone else keeps referencing a $3/$15 skin care CRT, I got a $2/$10 Health care one but not a skin care one. I was hoping for the skin care coupon to use towards the Neutrogena Sun Screen.
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Super Savings Saturday.
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