I headed out on Sunday to pick up some of their two day specials, as well as some of their weekly deals. And, no surprise, but they seemed to be out of everything. Certainly, there is a certain rush to be expected with some deals, but their situation was worsened by the fact that for some reason (I wasn't told/didn't ask) they hadn't gotten a truck on Wednesday.
They were out of the ProGlide razors in the razor department. For the razor, I found a random "promo" pack that had some other stuff with it, but since it was the only Gillette ProGlide that they had, I figured it was worth a shot. They were out of the Listerine Smart Rinse. They were out of the Crackerfuls.
From the wording on the signs, it sounds like most stores didn't have the Ritz Crackerfuls that were free after RR on Sunday and Monday - which makes you wonder why they couldn't do a rain check? They were substituting Triscuits, Wheat Thins and Ritz Crackers, but surprise they were out of most of that too!
I found a few things to piece together to make my trip more worthwhile, but was still disappointed.
Transaction #1
1 - ProGlide Razor
-$5 ProGlide mfg coupon
Total $4.89, plus $.64 tax OOP. Earned $5 RR.
Transaction #2
1 - Wheat Thins
1 - AquaFresh Kids Toothpaste (w/ in ad coupon)
1 - Illy Cappucino
1 - Freezer Pops
-$5 RR
Total $.99, plus $.06 tax OOP. Earned $2 and $2 RR.
Transaction #3
1 - Arizona Tea Gallon
4 - Arizona Tea Cans
1 - Caramel (filler)
-$2 RR
-$2 RR
Total $.30, plus $.26 tax OOP.
Total OOP for my trip was $6.18, plus $.96 tax. According to my receipts, I saved $24.26 on my visit. A savings of about 80%.
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